Directorate of Movements

Available reels: 203

Document Record

Canada. Dept. of National Defence. Directorate of Movements
Canada. Ministère de la défense nationale. Direction des mouvements
Directorate of Movements
Directorate of Movements : Rail files
Directorate of Movements : Air files
Directorate of Movements : Marine files
Direction des mouvements
MIKAN: 135140
Reels/Bobines: C-5547 to C-5769
Archival Reference/Référence Archivistique: RG 24 C 24
Document source
Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
The Directorate of Movements (or DMove, as it was also known) was responsible for the movement by land, sea and air of troops, stores and animals required by the military during the Second World War, both in Canada and overseas. During the course of the war, this directorate coordinated the movement of more than 650,000 Canadian service personnel to the United Kingdom, as well as countless thousands of tons of cargo and military stores. DMove was under the authority of the Quartermaster General (QMG) and was centred at National Defence Headquarters in Ottawa. However, it had a number of field offices at ports and railway termini in Canada.
This collection consists of records created and maintained by the Directorate of Movements (DMove) between 1939 and 1948, and involves the marine, rail and air activities of DMove.
Researchers should note that while the files were roughly filmed in file order, there are some anomalies and the next file in sequence may be located on a reel subsequent to or beyond the one being looked at.
The Marine files are a Sub-series that consists of records that were created and maintained by Directorate of Movements (DMove) between 1939 and 1948 and were later incorporated into the larger Army Central Registry System by adding the prefix "63" to the file number. The original filing number was broken down into two parts. The first part of the number indicated the direction and nature of the sailing, and the following describe the assignment of these numbers: 300 (Ships Generally); 301 (Eastbound Cargo); 302 (Eastbound Personnel); 303 (Westbound Personnel); 304 (Passage Rates); 305 (Regular Sailings); 306 (Hospital Ships General); 307 (Passages for Ministry of War Transport); 308 (Ships Conducting Staff); 309 (Sailing of Force K Greenland); 310 (Westbound Cargo); 350 (Pacific Cargo). In most cases the second part of the file number is a consecutive number assigned to the sailing of an individual ship, eg. 302-135 for the SS NERISSA, sailing on the 21 April 1941. The researcher should note that if a ship was carrying both passengers and cargo there are usually two different files for a single passage. The files themselves contain information on the movement of personnel and cargo to port, passenger lists, cargo manifests, bills of lading, reports on the passage by shipboard officers, including information on the conduct of personnel, messing arrangements, menus, discipline and medical matters, as well as other related correspondence between DMove NDHQ and elements of the field organization and other services. On some files, if a vessel was lost or sunk, one will find a copy of the report on the loss or sinking. The researcher should note that while the files were roughly filmed in file order, there are some anomalies and the next file in sequence is not necessarily found on the next microfilm reel, but will be located on a subsequent reel. (See reels C-5589 to C-5741).
The Rail files are a Sub-series that consists of records relating to the rail activities of the Directorate of Movements (Dmove). The records were created and maintained by DMove between 1939 and 1948. The researcher should note that while the files were roughly filmed in file order, there are some anomalies and the next file in sequence is not necessarily found on the next microfilm reel, but will be located on a subsequent reel. (See reels C-5547 to C-5568).
The Air files are a Sub-series that consists of records relating to the air activities of the Directorate of Movements (Dmove). The records were created and maintained by DMove between 1939 and 1948. The researcher should note that while the files were roughly filmed in file order, there are some anomalies and the next file in sequence is not necessarily found on the next microfilm reel, but will be located on a subsequent reel. (See reels C-5550 to C-5551).
La Direction des mouvements (ou DMove en anglais) était responsable du mouvement par voies terrestre, maritime et aérienne des troupes, du matériel et des animaux requis par l’armée durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, tant au Canada qu’outre-mer. Tout au cours de cette guerre, la Direction a coordonné le transport de plus de 650 000 membres du personnel militaire canadien au Royaume-Uni, en plus de milliers de tonnes de cargaison et de matériel militaire. La Direction relevait du quartier-maître général (QMG) et était installée au Quartier général de la Défense nationale à Ottawa tout en ayant un certain nombre de bureaux locaux dans les ports et les terminus ferroviaires du Canada.
Constituée de documents créés et conservés par la Direction des Mouvements (DMove) entre 1939 et 1948, cette collection se rapporte aux activités de la Direction sur mer, sur rail et dans les airs.
Les chercheurs doivent prendre note que, bien que les dossiers aient été filmés en tenant compte de l’ordre, il existe quelques anomalies. Ainsi, il se peut que le dossier qui suit dans la séquence ne se retrouve pas sur la même bobine, mais sur une bobine subséquente.