Lower Canada / Canada East census returns for 1825

Available reels: 9

Document Record

Lower Canada / Canada East census returns for 1825
Déclarations de recensement du Bas-Canada et Canada-Est, 1825
MIKAN: 142084
Reels/Bobines: C-717 to C-733, C-1111 to C-1157, C-1232 to C-1331
Archival Reference/Référence Archivistique: RG 31 C 1
Document source
Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Sub-sub-series consists of census returns for Lower Canada/Canada East, 1825-1861. The 1825 census (Volumes 1-3, Microfilm Reels C-717 to C-718) indicates head of household, number of people living in each household, age groups and marital status. The censuses for 1831 (Volumes 4-34, Microfilm Reels C-719 to C-724), 1842 (Volumes 37-48, Microfilm Reels C-725 to C-733), 1851 (Volumes 158-259, Microfilm Reels C-1111 to C-1157), and 1861 (Volumes 463-607, Microfilm Reels C-1232 to C-1331) give the above details, as well as details about houses occupied, number of buildings, types of housing, property ownership, land occupied, place of birth, age, sex, marital status, infirmities, religion, occupation or profession, education, agricultural crops, farm animals and their products, taverns or houses of public entertainment, stores where spiritous liquors were sold, mills, manufacturers, distilleries, and wages paid to individuals. Please note that from 1851 on, all persons, not just heads of households, were enumerated, and an agricultural census was compiled separately. The undated map titled "C.E. Belle, Commissaire. Hochelaga", of Montreal Parish pertains to the 1861 census returns (Volume 498, microfilm reel C-1208).