Department of Indian Affairs : Shubenacadie Agency : C-15139

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Notice bibliographique du document

Department of Indian Affairs : Shubenacadie Agency : C-15139
MIKAN (English)/MIKAN (Anglais): 159233
MIKAN (French)/MIKAN (Français): 162694
Archival Reference/Référence Archivistique: RG 10 C VI
Document original
Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Shubenacadie Agency - Foster Home Care - Vouchers
Shubenacadie Agency - Foster Home Care
Shubenacadie Agency - Placement Vouchers
Shubenacadie Agency - Foster Home Care - Consent of Parents
Shubenacadie Agency - Social Assistance
Shubenacadie Agency - Family Allowances - pt 1 to pt 2
Shubenacadie Agency - Miscellaneous Assistance
Shubenacadie Agency - Gold River Power Line R/W
Shubenacadie Agency - School Land - Millbrook
Shubenacadie Agency - Susan Shiers - Shubenacadie Band
Shubenacadie Agency - Veterans Land Act - William Basque
Shubenacadie Agency - Veterans Land Act - Bernard Levi Toney
Shubenacadie Agency - Veterans Land Act - Charles Joseph Paul
Vol. 8550, File 51/29-4 (pt 6) to Vol. 8551, File 51/39-6 (pt. 3)
The original resource stored at this location has moved. For a full list of moved resources and their new locations, see
La ressource originale localisée à cet emplacement a été déplacée. Pour une liste complète des ressources déplacées et de leur nouvel emplacement, voir