Canada. Department of the Interior : Letters patent : C-6600

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Field notebooks kept by surveyors in the employ of the Geological Survey of Canada while on field trips in various parts of Canada (1842-1900)
RG 45 M 912020
Document original
Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Hants and Lunenburg counties, Nova Scotia
Lunenburg, Queens and Halifax counties, Nova Scotia
Lunenburg and Queens counties
Area of Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba
Cumberland County, Nova Scotia
Valley River, Shell River, Swan River, Manitoba
Vicinity of Duck Mountain, Manitoba
Vicinity of Lake Mountain, Manitoba
Area of lakes Winnipeg, Winnipegosis and Manitoba, Manitoba
South-western Quebec - counties of Argenteuil and Terrebonne
Sounding Creek and country north of Battle River, Alberta & Saskatchewan
Edmonton to Fort Pitt; Vermilion River and Beaver Hills, Alberta and Saskatchean
Pigeon Lake, Battle Lake, Bearhills Lake, Alberta
Riding Mountain to Dauphin Lake, Manitoba
Westbourne, Sandy Bay Indian Reserve, Waterhen Lake, Manitoba
Mossy River, Pelican Bay, Waterhen Lake, Red Deer Lake, Manitoba
Minnedosa River to Ochre River, Lake Dauphin, Manitoba
Pakowki, Waterton Lake, Belly River, Alberta