Despatches received [by the Lieutenant Governor's Office of Prince Edward Island] : H-942

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Notice bibliographique du document

Despatches received [by the Lieutenant Governor's Office of Prince Edward Island]
RG 7 G 8 D
Document original
Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Records from the Lieutenant Governor's Office, Prince Edward Island : Letterbook, 1813-1817 (cont'd)
Records from the Lieutenant Governor's Office, Prince Edward Island : Letterbook, 1817-1820
Records from the Lieutenant Governor's Office, Prince Edward Island : Despatches from Lt. Gov. Smith, Col. Ready to Secretary of State, 1820-1825
Records from the Lieutenant Governor's Office, Prince Edward Island : Col. Ready to Secretary of State, 1825-1829
Records from the Lieutenant Governor's Office, Prince Edward Island : Despatches from Lt. Gov. Col. Ready & Young to Secretary of State, 1835-1839
Records from the Lieutenant Governor's Office, Prince Edward Island : Despatches from Lt. Gov. Young, Harvey, Fitzroy and Huntley, 1835-1842
Records from the Lieutenant Governor's Office, Prince Edward Island : Despatches from Lt. Gov. Huntley, 1842-1847
Records from the Lieutenant Governor's Office, Prince Edward Island : Despatches from Lt. Gov. Huntley, Land, Campbell & Bannerman to Secretary of State, 1847-1851